An Essential Tool

Research is an essential tool- it helps us to understand the areas of greatest need under each of our strategic objectives, and assists in identifying effective approaches to meeting this need.

Committed to Learning

We are committed to learning through our grantmaking, and seek to do this through commissioning external evaluations of TLEF funded projects, helping grantees to develop their own internal evaluation strategies and encouraging all grant recipients to reflect on what they have learned through the design and delivery of their TLEF funded project.

About this Resource

This section of the website is intended to act as a resource for existing grantees, organisations who are considering applying to us for funding for a project and the wider sector interested in issues related to our strategic objectives.



This section brings together a selection of research that can be filtered by our Strategic Objectives and by our three themes: The implications of Brexit, The role of legal advice in health and The online court.

Blog Posts

Online Courts: How to measure “justice” and “fairness”

TLEF, together with UCL and the University of Oxford, brought together experts to draft recommendations for measuring the impact of online courts on access to justice The court system in England and Wales is undergoing a period of rapid and unprecedented change. In 2016, Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal Service (“HMCTS”) established a programme of […]

Online Courts: How to measure “justice” and “fairness”


As a Foundation, we are committed to learning through our grantmaking. We do this in a variety of ways: from commissioning external evaluations of TLEF funded projects to helping organisations to develop their own evaluation processes and systems.

Long Read

By the year 2022, most civil disputes in England and Wales will be resolved through an online court. That, at least, was the plan. It is a breathtakingly ambitious one: an online court on this scale does not yet exist anywhere in the world.

Opinions expressed in this report are those of the author and should not be taken to be those of The Legal Education Foundation.

Blog Posts

Destitution and Paths to Justice: Access to law and the ‘slippery slope into destitution’

Research published today by The Joseph Rowntree Foundation estimates that: “over 1.5million people, including 365,000 children, were destitute in the UK at some point during 2017”. This blog post reflects on the findings of a parallel report: “Destitution and Paths to Justice” which was jointly commissioned by The Legal Education Foundation and The Joseph Rowntree Foundation. […]

Destitution and Paths to Justice: Access to law and the ‘slippery slope into destitution’

Developing a Theory of Change

Charitable foundations and other funders are increasingly encouraging prospective applicants to produce “Theory of Change” documents for the projects they are seeking funding for. The following article provides an overview of this approach and sets out guidance for how to go about creating a theory of change document for your project. At its most basic […]

Developing a Theory of Change

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Registered charity 271297 (England/Wales)