The workshop brought together representatives from the UK’s leading law schools, NGOs working on access to justice and funders to discuss the potential for UK law schools to develop their existing role in providing thought-leadership and impact in relation to access to justice. Attendees heard from three speakers who have extensive experience in developing and directing innovative law clinics in university law schools. Attendees were encouraged to consider the opportunities and obstacles to developing impact clinics in the UK, reflecting on the lessons from both the US and UK experience and exploring the policy context for work of this kind. The speakers were:

  • Professor Peter Markowitz, Cardozo School of Law – ‘Overview of the emergence of innovative impact law clinics in the United States’
  • Professor Dame Hazel Genn, University College London – ‘Clinical education, empirical research and thought leadership in access to justice, The Guttmann Law Clinic, a project of the Access to Justice Centre at University College London’
  • Sheona York, University of Kent – ‘Developing impact clinics in the UK, The Immigration and Asylum Team at the University of Kent Law Clinic’

This report summarises the proceedings of the workshop.

Exploring Law School Thought Leadership and Impact on Access to Justice - Jo Harwood

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