Understanding the legal problems of renters

Study shows that people living in rented accommodation are twice as likely to experience some kinds of non-housing-related legal problems as those living in other types of housing. The Legal Education Foundation has funded a study comparing the legal difficulties experienced by people living in rented accommodation with those who live in their own homes […]

Understanding the legal problems of renters
Increase Public Understanding
LASPO Review

Reforming the law around the use of automated and assisted decision making by public bodies: Report from a technical legal workshop

This report is a summary of a technical legal workshop held online on Thursday 17 June 2021 under the Chatham House rule. The workshop was hosted by The Legal Education Foundation (“TLEF”), as part of their Fairer Systems and Smarter Justice work programmes. The aim of the workshop was to support the Law Commission of […]

Reforming the law around the use of automated and assisted decision making by public bodies: Report from a technical legal workshop
Advance High Quality Thinking

Exploring Law School Thought Leadership and Impact on Access to Justice: Lessons from the United States

The workshop brought together representatives from the UK’s leading law schools, NGOs working on access to justice and funders to discuss the potential for UK law schools to develop their existing role in providing thought-leadership and impact in relation to access to justice. Attendees heard from three speakers who have extensive experience in developing and […]

Exploring Law School Thought Leadership and Impact on Access to Justice: Lessons from the United States
Advance High Quality Thinking
Increase Access to Employment
Increase Public Understanding
LASPO Review

TLEF response to the Law Commission: Reforming the law around the use of automated and assisted decision making by public bodies

Automated Decision Making (“ADM”) and Assisted Decision Making (“ASDM”) systems are widely used to support decision making across the public sector. When deployed appropriately and lawfully, the adoption of these technologies offers the potential to improve the speed and consistency of decision-making whilst generating significant savings for the taxpayer. However, recent experiences in immigration, policing, […]

TLEF response to the Law Commission: Reforming the law around the use of automated and assisted decision making by public bodies
Advance High Quality Thinking
Increase Public Understanding

Public Law in Clinical Legal Environments

Law clinics are a developing tool for both legal skills-based and academic education. As well as providing students with experience of law in action and a practical base for academic enquiry, law clinics are seen, and should be supported, as an important means of implementing universities’ ‘Widening Participation’ agenda. They provide practical legal work experience, […]

Public Law in Clinical Legal Environments
Advance High Quality Thinking
LASPO Review

Rapid Evidence Review: The impact of mediation on outcomes, experience and bias

This rapid evidence review compares the experience of mediated versus court-based processes on outcomes, experience and bias. It reviews the existing evidence base in United States of America, Canada and Australia. The following questions are addressed through the review: What is the impact of mediation on outcomes for parties, compared with outcomes secured through court-based […]

Rapid Evidence Review: The impact of mediation on outcomes, experience and bias
Access to Justice

How People Understand and Interact with the Law

Groundbreaking national survey demonstrates worryingly low levels of legal understanding amongst the general population in England and Wales. The Legal Education Foundation funded internationally renowned researchers Pascoe Pleasence, Nigel Balmer and Catrina Denvir to analyse data from the Civil and Social Justice Panel Survey 2010 and 2012. This is a unique survey where researchers tracked […]

How People Understand and Interact with the Law
Advance High Quality Thinking
Increase Public Understanding
LASPO Review

The impact of proposals within: “Data: A New Direction” on discrimination under the Equality Act 2010

This legal opinion from leading equality law barristers Robin Allen QC and Dee Masters analyses government proposals for reforms to the UK data protection regime and recommends refinements to prevent discrimination. The authors raise concerns that government proposals in: “Data: A new direction” conflate :“outcome fairness” with “non-discrimination” in a manner that is: “simply wrong […]

The impact of proposals within: “Data: A New Direction” on discrimination under the Equality Act 2010
Advance High Quality Thinking

Legal Needs, Legal Capability and the Role of Public Legal Education

Research strengthens the case for targeted, timely Public Legal Education and Information Law for Life worked with researchers Pascoe Pleasence, Nigel Balmer and Catrina Denvir to analyse data from the Civil and Social Justice Panel Survey 2010 and 2012, focusing on the implications of the data for Public Legal Education and Information. Law for Life […]

Legal Needs, Legal Capability and the Role of Public Legal Education
Advance High Quality Thinking
Increase Public Understanding
LASPO Review

Justice Data Matters: Building a public mandate for court data use

This report, which is the first of its kind globally, combines quantitative polling with a nationally representative omnibus survey of 2,164 adults and public deliberation to explore public attitudes to the publication and use of data held in court records, including judgments. It explores themes including: sensitivity of court judgment data; how court judgments may […]

Justice Data Matters: Building a public mandate for court data use
HMCTS Court Reform

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